The much awaited final issue of Elmer will be launched this coming Saturday, November 22 at the UP Bahay ng Alumni, many komiks fans and also Gerry Alanguilan fans and readers are excited to grab the book four and final chapter of Gerry’s graphic novel entitled “Elmer”. If you are new to this title, its not yet too late for you, You can still download the 1st issue in Gerry’s website and read it in your computer, the 1st issue is already out of print, while issue 2 and 3 are still available in our local comic book shops. ( read more below)
I just saw the cover of the final book, and it looks like a photo of Elmer’s desk at his home and the book were Jake ( son of Elmer) is reading it about their history and story on how and what happened during that Great Awakening event that happened last 1979. It’s a great story and one of the best Filipino graphic novels I ever read. But look to it, the story is all about chickens. Yes.. chickens, roosters, chicks that evolved and matches the human consciousness and awareness , means that it can talk, think, make decision, live like humans, get jobs, be a film actor, politician, cook, boxer etc. It’s a different time line and future from the brilliant and creative mind of Gerry Alanguilan. He stated that he used to have a pet chicken when he was at the age of 13, and he named it Solano, but after an incident of an animal went wild-like episode, Solano attacked Gerry and it left him to think that something might be wrong, or what if his pet chicken thinks and seem to communicate in a different way to humans.
I got a pet chicken when I was in high school, its all white and a fighting cock, I named it “Manok ni San Pedro”, then we kept him with the 3 Hens at the back of our house and it was a great experience that time to have a pet chickens who roam around the house and even lay eggs for us to eat. We haven’t got the time to breed it, and because we are in the middle of a residential area of Caloocan City, its illegal to have your own poultry in the middle of the city, but after moving out and transferred to another city, we were forced to give away the chicken to a family friend, because the compound we transferred doesn’t allow any chickens as pet in the area.
Okay move on to the story about Elmer. What if chickens do speak and think like one of us. You better grab a copy of Elmer book 4 this coming Saturday and find out what will be the fate of the chickens and humans living as one. I haven’t talked to Gerry about this final issue, and if it there will be any reprint or trade paper back format in the issue, compiling all four books, or maybe if there’s a possibility that this story will come out as a live action movie, we can’t tell now, but let’s just wait for his post from his blog.
Are you prepared and ready for Elmer 4 ? hmm I’m not sure If I can wait to get home to read, after I got my copy at the convention, I’ll proceed to Chocolate kiss café, order a hot choco and pasta, there I will read and finish Elmer for good. And I know it will be a good ending, or.. hmmmm I don’t know, its hard to predict Gerry’s brain after what we saw in his WASTED graphic novel, but let’s hope that there will be good ending for Elmer 4, if there’s a bad or tragic ending, I will accept it and find some good part of it.
Elmer issue 1-3
sample page layout and sketch for Elmer issue 4.
Gerry Alanguilan, all tired but his hands are still working for Elmer comics.
head over to his blog at to read the official news and update
on his comic production of Elmer.
Elmer # 4 will be available on November 22, 2008
at the 4th Filipino Komiks Convention 2008 at the Bahay ng Alumni, UP Diliman, QC
check out a sample page preview below
these images are originall posted at
AWESOME! Thanks Az!