Monday, November 26, 2007

Me, Neil Gaiman and Elmer


Here I am having a short chat with Neil Gaiman and my mission is complete for I gave him my extra copy of Elmer issue 3 a komiks by Gerry Alanguilan. That was my plan ever since the comic was released last Komikon and Gerry gave a extra copy of it and even that I'm going to surprise Gerry for giving a copy of it, it seems that  Gerry reads my mind ! hahahaha.

I was given a chance to have a one on one interview with Neil Gaiman, but I wasn't prepared that time and I just slipped 2 oppourtunities for a one on one intervie, but its nice that he remembers me as the guy who blog the event and send him email for his visit here once again. And yes.. it all began when he sent me an email, thanking me and everyone and glad that he reads my blog .  Wow !

And I'm happy to know that he said that he always recommend the comics Elmer and he said it was a good book to read.
too bad that I left my issue 2 in my other home and he said that he haven't read issue 2, but then Gerry told me via email that he will send Neil Gaiman a copy of issue 2

whew! mission accomplished !


  1. [...] Azrael has an account of the events here,  and photos (Part 1, 2, 3, 4), and a video here.  He promised another video for this site, so we’ll post that when we have [...]


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