Sunday, March 16, 2008


Read the news Here

I dont know him personally, but his works in the comics Dark Pages is one of my fave! I remember that when the info from Alamat ML came about this horror comics titled Dark Pages will be released, I went down to Comic Quest and bought one for myself. It was the best come back of horror comics to me and I treasure it. It's like me reading a local Heavy Metal magazine but the art will blow you away and will teleport you into  a different realm.

If ever I can go back to my home in Pasig City, I'll grab my comic and re-read it again for a big tribute to Galo Ador who founded the independent comic Dark Pages

1 comment:

  1. [...] Valiente Azrael Colladila: Komiks News Now Arman: Goodbye, My Friend (Galo Ador Jr) Summerized: Galo Ador is [...]


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